Night Dives
Depth: 5 – 15 mtr. Currents: Mild.
As the sun goes down, the under water scenery changes impressively and nocturnal life shows itself.
Corals and feather stars turn into swaying tendrils and feeding tubes. Crustaceans come out of their hiding places to feed. As do the moray eels, sting rays, barracuda’s and octopus for an evening hunt. On a dark night there is often magical bioluminescence. Many diurnal fish can also be found sleeping, parrotfish in particular sheltering in a protective balloon. The dive sites we visit are maximum 5 minutes away; the boat departs at sunset, back in time for dinner.
Highlights: Marine Life active at night, bioluminescence
PADI Night Diver Speciality
We also offer the Night Diver Spciality course. Diving at night requires it’s own set of skills and the course focuses on a mixture of planning, buoyancy, night time entry and exit, and navigation. If you’ve tried a night dive and want to take it further, then your next step should be the night diver speciality course.