Message in a bottle part two
Seems like our friends in Koh Lipe are having an awesome time. After receiving and e-mail from Aitor, our lucky dive instructor, I decided to share his experience with everybody. That’s what he said:
‘…. first dive Stonehenge, tiger tail wrapped on white soft coral on the south of the pinnacle, a minute later hawksbill turtle munching on the bubble coral, conditions were perfect, 20 meters viz of blue water.
Second dive in Jabang, eagle ray came flying under the buoy, close encounters with a giant moray with girth the size of mike Tyson’s neck. Current already picking up as we are approaching full moon, amazing drift dives programmed for next week.
Captain ‘hawk eye’ nu spotted a bunch of devil Rays south of Stonehenge, free diving ‘maestro’ loic spend an hour swimming with the rays in awe….’
That makes me realize it’s really time to go back home. See you in a week guys!!!